Every director shall be appointed by the company in general meeting. Director Identification Number is compulsory for appointment of director of a company.

A person appointed as a director shall on or before the appointment give his consent to hold the office of director in physical form DIR-2 i.e. Consent to act as a director of a company.

Company shall file Form DIR-12, particulars of appointment of directors and KMP along with the form DIR-2 as an attachment within 30 days of the appointment of a director, with necessary fee.

Private Limited adding a Director to Company

For the purpose of adding a director to Company

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Documents required to add a director

  • Passport size photograph of the director
  • Pan of the director
  • Address proof of the director
  • Company Details
  • Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of one of the current directors.

Process to add a director

2 Working DaysThe first step of adding a director will be application for Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) of the director.
2 Working DaysAfter getting DSC of the concerned director an application for allotment of Director’s Identification Number(DIN) will be made to the registrar of companies.
1 Working DayAfter the allotment of DIN Form DIR-12 will be filed to the registrar of companies to add the director.